
The Cheltenham Police Pension Fund, Inc. was founded in October 1934. A group of concerned citizens incorporated the Fund in order to provide pensions for retired members of Cheltenham’s police force. When the Fund was founded, and for two decades thereafter, there was no public funding for police officers’ pensions. Originally, the only source of income for the Fund was ticket sales to a local football game.

During World War II, the incorporated Fund organized military training sessions to assist the Cheltenham Police with issues at home. Thus, the Auxiliary Police Unit was formed. Many active in the incorporated Fund spent countless hours raising money for the purchase of war bonds.

Members of the Fund arranged for payroll deductions and matching funds from other sources. Eventually, those deductions and matching funds were deposited with Aetna Life Insurance Company to purchase annuities for the retired officers. As the retirement age of the officers was lowered to 65 years with 25 years’ service, it became necessary to expand fundraising to fulfill the obligations begun by the Fund. An annual fund drive letter was issued to raise funds for the pensioners, a tradition continued to the present day.

On May 29, 1956, the Pennsylvania General Assembly in Harrisburg passed the Municipal Police Pension Law (P.L. 1804) which made it mandatory for all cities, towns, townships, etc., who employed more than six police officers to set up a municipal police pension plan. This Act contained a number of mandatory requirements for such pension plans, including the need for three trustees and three supervisors, plus an actuary. More importantly, it also enabled such plans to be financed by the public, through their taxes, where necessary.

At the time, there was significant uncertainty about how this law would work in practice. As such, the Cheltenham Police Pension Fund remained in operation while the Cheltenham Municipal Police Pension Plan was founded. The Fund transferred approximately $56,000 to this new Plan (more than $600,000 in today’s dollars). The Plan began receiving the income from officers’ payroll deductions, police reports, and tax rebates from out of state insurance companies doing business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Since that time, the only source of income for the Fund has been the annual fund drive solicitation letter.

Today, the Cheltenham Police Pension Fund pays supplemental retirement benefits to 70 retired police officers and their widows/widowers. If a loved one survives his or her police retiree spouse, the Fund pays a death benefit and continues the regular pension payments to the spouse. This benefit helps Cheltenham compete with other local municipalities in recruiting only the best for our police force.

The Cheltenham Police Pension Fund depends on donations to continue operating and fulfilling its mission. Please consider donating today.